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Change Management Training - A Must For Today's Professional?

In a world where change is constant, change management training as a discipline is not only relevant but also useful. The most important reason why change needs to be managed or change management training needs to be imparted is the common resistance to change. In some way or the other, people are averse to change. They prefer to live life in a predictable and stable manner and the slightest change can cause feelings of fear to surface within them. Change is feared because the average person is apprehensive about the implications of the change and his ability to adapt to it quickly.

However, in order to bring about a successful transition or change, it needs to be managed. Change management is the process of dealing and coping with change. In an organisational context, this is made possible by encouraging a culture of communication within an organisation. Moreover, support shown by top management can go a long way in making employees feel secure and reassured. Incentives introduced for performance and frequent meetings between the management and employees also help ease the process.

Change management training helps people to develop the skills and abilities to successfully handle any change. A change management training programme includes norms, assumptions, patterns, the roles people play in a change process and conflicting ways of thinking and perceiving at such a time. The objective of any change management Training programme is:

 * To understand the various types of change
 * How to deal with strong feelings towards any change
 * How to deal with resistance, fear and cynicism
 * Reasons why change management initiatives sometimes fail
 * Analysing whether our perception of a situation is always right or not
 * Helping other people to cope with change
 * Changing the way we see things
 * Bringing about a positive approach towards life
 * Bringing about a positive approach towards business

A number of institutes across the world offer change management Training as a discipline. Some places offer training in the form of seminars. Course are available onsite or online and are custom made to suit your needs. Training programmes are available not only for those who are in need of the train but also for those who are going to impart the training.

Some places offering such a course are Merit Training Corporation, La Marsh and Associates, Stearnes Group, American Management Association, Cornell University etc. Each of these programmes address a different need. At Merit Training Corporation, the Change Management Training programme teaches students how to use change to manage people. However, the change management training programme on offer at La Marsh is targeted towards people who are responsible for designing and implementing change. At Stearnes, the change management programme links change to organisational strategy and focuses on the importance of understanding a company's business strategy.

1 comment :

revathi said...

Thanks for sharing, I will bookmark and be back again
Management Training Dubai

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